Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Italy into the final! Reggae coming soon!

Canada Day was a success!! Thanks to all for coming down for the World Cup, Canada Day and Dave and Yumiko's wedding - congrats!

Here is what is happening these days at Chico's - planning for the festivals at the end of the month, reggae party coming soon, and, as summer is here, beer gardens, summer cocktails, and dogs all night long!

Hope to catch ypu all soon! Chico and staff.

Hey Chico,  

We had a blast on Canada Day hanging at Chicos, meeting other foreigners and even chatting with some boozin’ Japanese.  I never would have thought I’d be sitting on an outdoor “patio”/ “beer garden” in Asahikowa drinking a Labatt’s Blue on Canada Day.  Keep up the fine work and keep pushin’ those Spences.  I hear they’re mighty tasty!

All the best,
Duncan, Thanks a lot...glad you had a good time, wait till the festival season rolls around...many more beers and many more gardens!
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